You are Loved


John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.


Does it sometimes feel that the whole world is crashing in on us, and it’s so difficult to live up to what the world expects of us – being smart, funny, attractive, or successful? Or we’ve made a mistake (we all do), and there doesn’t seem a way out, and we feel the judgment of those closest to us. Or we are ashamed of who we are or what we’ve done.

Friend, you are not alone in this.

Remember, there is one person who loves us completely and unconditionally, regardless of who we are and what we have done. The best thing about this is that we never have to earn His love.

His word says that even while we are in sin or have made mistakes, He loves us!

That person is God!

And He sealed His love long ago, so we can be assured of this!

He did this in a powerful way: by giving his Son Jesus to die on the cross for us and to wash away all our sins and mistakes.

This is so that we can have an abundant and fulfilling life embraced by His love.

God made the first move to love you, and His love for you is never-ending and never conditional. He will love you for your entire life; nothing can separate you from His love.

Will you choose to receive His love and let it wash over you?

PS: He is indeed the God who stays and runs to us while the whole world walks away!

Why not drop in a Prayer for the Interseed community today – a prayer for a fresh revelation of God’s love?


Is there anything that you feel stops you from being loved by God?

  1. Feeling guilty or ashamed because of my sin or mistakes.
  2. Feeling unworthy or not good enough to receive God’s love.
  3. Feeling like I have to work for or earn God’s love.
  4. OTHER


Heavenly Father, thank you for your unconditional love for me. Thank you there is nothing I need to do to earn your love. If there is anything preventing me from knowing and experiencing your love, please show me what it is and help me see myself the way you see me. I don’t want anything to stop me from receiving your love. I want to be loved by you. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Pray for someone you know who needs a fresh revelation of God’s love for them. (You can also drop them a text or call them and pray for them!)

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